
"It was a pleasure to hear your student Jizelle. Congratulations! Very expressive and inspired, clearly talented but also very well taught. Not a surprise. 
Best wishes,
- Bruce Vogt, Head of the piano faculty at the University of Victoria.
"I’ve known Ron for almost 4 years now and he was my teacher in my last year of high school when I was preparing for my ARCT exam, BC senior provincials, and my audition to the UVic piano faculty (where I was given admission on the spot). Although Ron isn’t my main teacher now, I still go back every few months to take lessons with him. In the past, I’ve taken lessons and got to know a few of the teachers in the Cowichan Valley, and In my opinion, Ron is one of the best teachers you’ll ever find here. Because of him, I’ve become competent as a musician and confident in the ways I choose to play my pieces.

When I’m working with Ron, it’s always felt more like a collaboration between the two of us and never me feeling like I can only play my pieces the way he thinks they should be played. He’s easy going, funny and always explains concepts in ways that are easily understood to even people who have the most basic level of experience in music.

He’s always been understanding to the busy lifestyle of a student. In fact, there have been times when I’ve felt so  stressed out (to the point where I don’t even want to touch the piano) that  I forget how to enjoy playing, and even wonder why I continue to play the piano. I don’t know how Ron does it but during those times, a lesson with him has always reminded me why I love playing the piano. And somehow, he manages to find ways to make everything feel easier, fun  and help me enjoy the process rather than be stressed out on the situational factors.

I’ve always loved music but I think having Ron as my teacher has made me love it even more and see it differently. "
Jizelle Balae
"Working as a mature piano student with Ron has been a wonderful experience.  Ron is a talented and amazing pianist. He is very insightful about his students’ abilities, and his enthusiastic encouragement has helped me to better understand the structure of the music that I wish to learn and play."
"I started learning to play the piano as an adult. Off and on, over a period of many years in various communities, I had a number of teachers who taught a standard curriculum of technique, theory and “pieces”. Although I made progress through “grades” and examinations, this one-size-fits-all approach never really worked for me. When I was playing the piano I never really felt like I was making music, and I struggled to learn anything new on my own. And then I met Ron. Ron always knows how to help me make substantial (and, often, instantaneous!) progress with whatever I am trying to learn or play. In every lesson he has something to tell me or show me that I have not heard or seen in my previous music education. I find I am learning my pieces faster, practicing more efficiently, and especially having more fun! I look forward to each lesson and can hardly wait to get back to my piano afterwards. "

Ready to pursue
your dream?

Ron is currently accepting new students.